
The one where she doesn’t care

how odd sock toes look when they’re just started.  I need a WIP Wednesday project and this pair of toes is it.  I’ve felt more than a little down today, thinking about what’s going on with my family, Mom and Dad specifically.  It hit me suddenly at Target when I thought looking for a birthday card for the Papoose for her first birthday was a good idea.  So, I was looking at cards and it suddenly dawned on me that Mr. Iknead and I were going to miss her first birthday party because my father was diagnosed last week with lung cancer, pretty advanced we’re told, and I have to make yet another trip to DeQueen to pick him up to bring back to Little Rock (this will be my fourth trip in a week and a half) for an appointment with a radiation oncologist.  Put that on top of Mom’s dementia and her being in a nursing home, I suddenly felt piled upon and had to fight back tears, it’s so hard to have to make a choice between my grandchild and my father.  And I’m fighting tears again.  So, sock toes it is, with a little Josie Pug thrown in.

The difference between life and the movies is that a script has to make sense and life doesn’t.  Joseph L. Mankiewicz (1909-1993)
