
Whatcha Workin’ On? #9, Booklove 1/21/15, myPod


Nothing current, but I plan to change that very soon, like within the next hour or so.  Yep, you heard it first from me, Tulips are finished, but you’ll have to tune in again on Friday to see the finished product.  Mark your calendar.  📅😉


My close to constant companion for the past several years (besides Mr. iknead), my trusty 160 gig iPod Classic fell ill the end of last week.  😱😭💔  It hasn’t been diagnosed as terminal – yet.  Both Mr. iknead and I tried about a 1000 times over the next two days to resuscitate it with no success and I finally gave up and took it to You Break I Fix on Sunday afternoon for a diagnosis.  I’m not handling it well.  Seriously.  I wish I was kidding.  Here’s why it’s been traumatic:  Apple discontinued the 160 gig Classic in 2009; this means that to fit all my data, I’ll need to buy five new iPods.  That’s what I said, FIVE new iPods to house the 2000 or so songs and a couple hundred audiobooks.  The guy at the repair shop seemed to think it could be fixed, I hope he’s right.


I’m excited about starting My Antonia.  I’m really kind of surprised I’ve never read it before.  Once again, my library rocks!

I’m linking with Yarn Along and Frontier Dreams today.

If you smile when no one else is around, you really mean it.  Andy Rooney

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